Sarah Boris is an artist and designer, with recent public art commissions which saw her create heart shaped benches which you can see here to her pop vibrant artworks which you can see here, she is keen to create more artworks in the public space and is open to commissions and artist residencies. She is currently developing modular artworks which have been exhibited in several solo shows in 2024.
She published several books such as 'Le Théâtre Graphique' her first wordless artist book now part of several museum collections. In 2023, her second wordless book 'Rainbow' was published by Corners in Seoul, Korea. Recent solo shows include 'After the Rain' at Sugery Gallery, London; Hatch Galerie, Le Havre and L'Échappée Belle in Sète, France.

Her works are part of the collections of the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam; MAK Vienna, the New York Book Art Center Fine Art Collection, FRAC Normandie-Rouen (regional contemporary art collections), l'artothèque of Le Bel Ordinaire, and was exhibited at the Design Museum in London and at Une Saison Graphique, Le Havre, France.
After working for over ten years for world renown arts and publishing institutions such as Phaidon, ICA, the Barbican, she set up her art and design studio in 2015, with a focus on public art commissions and creating new artworks in the form of screenprinted editions, sculpture, paintings, letterpress, books and more. Alongside this she has also been creating visual identities, editorial design and exhibition graphics. Notable projects include her Fragile UK flag artworks, her self published book 'Global Warming Anyone?' as well as the redesign of the Institute of Contemporary Arts' (London) identity and the bestselling monograph 'JR: Can Art Change the World?' published by Phaidon.

She is a regular speaker at festivals around the world and in universities and was a guest lecturer at LCC, University of the Arts London, London Metropolitan University and University Hertfordshire.
She was judge president for D&AD Professional Awards and has been a judge for D&AD New Blood, Design Week Awards, Latin American Design Awards to name a few.Please get in touch if you have any questions.

If you would like to discuss a project or if you would like to book a talk or workshop:

Sarah is also available for workshops. Her latest workshop titled Alphadots is open for bookings


Solo exhibitions
'Après la Pluie (III)' L'Échappée Belle, Sète, France
'After the Rain (II)' Surgery Gallery, London, United Kingdom
'Après la Pluie (I)' Hatch Galerie, Le Havre, France

Colour Makes My World Go Round', Corners, Seoul, Korea

'Exquisite Curiosities' A-Z Presents Gallery, Berlin, Germany

'Process Space' Ambit Gallery, London, United Kingdom

'Une Saison Graphique', Le Havre. France
Talks / Festivals / Lectures
20 February: University of West London
11 January: UCA, University of Creative Arts (Farnham Campus)

Talks / Festivals / Lectures
11 January: University of Creative Arts

15 December: OFFF Festival Sevilla, Spain
11 November: The Annual St Bride Foundation Conference. Innovation. Inspiration. Imagination. Invention.
3 June: Type Par
is, France
25 March: OFFF Festival Barcelona, Spain
11 May: All Flows Festival, Milton Keynes, UK
17 January: Chelsea College of Arts, Universtity of the Arts London

30 November: Brighton University
23 November: Manchester Design Festival, Legacy Conference
19 October: Typocircle Supercondensed
19 October: LCC Documentary Photography, University of the Arts
18 October: University Hertfordshire
11 June: Birmingham Design Festival
8-9 June: Dublin, ICAD Manifesto
16 March: Coventry University
2 March: Barcelona, Elisava

7 December: Fotokino Laterna Magica Festival
2 December:  Kyoorius Designyatra, Mumbai
24 November: ÉSAC École supérieure d'art et de communication, Cambrai
7 October: Chelsea College of Arts, University of the Arts

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